First off were these cute stockings. This buffalo check is pretty popular right now. The moose fabric is from Joann's.
I used this tutorial that has some nice pictures showing you how to line and put the cuff on your stocking.

The next project was PJ bottoms for the grandkids.
We have 9 grandkids ranging from newborn to 5T.

I really liked this idea for making pj bottoms. It was super easy.
I made the first pair to test my pattern idea and to make sure that I liked the finished fit, which I did. Make sure to cut the crotch area with plenty of room. And to add a good 2 inches to the top for the elastic casing. Take note that the cutting line for the top is perpendicular to the long side of the pant leg on the right.
After that, I mass produced and was able to finish the other 8 in about 3 hours.
There are literally 3 seams.
I measured each child's waist and length with a piece of yarn . . . they didn't even know what I was doing (so as to keep it all a secret)
I took my singer featherweight along with me while traveling these past few weeks, but I forgot the cord. I was thrilled when the owner of the local shop had a spare that I could borrow!!! 
I didn't finished the edges very well (zigzag), but I did reinforce the crotch.

I would definitely use this method again. Be sure to take a pair of pants that fits them well currently, and add a good inch all the way around (like the picture with the jeans), for a seam allowance and a little room to grow.

This is Spencer's first time to hold his little 10 day old sister.

It lasted long enough for a quick handful of fuzzy pictures :)
Merry Christmas!!