Look here for the tutorial for this fun, summer bag. It is a good project for someone new to sewing or a unique gift. It is light weight and has a strap long enough so the bag fits easily on your shoulder. When traveling, it can be rolled up, packed away and pulled out when needed.

I got the idea from a bag available at the Gap. It has one fabric on the outside, and a contrasting fabric on the inside.

It folds up easy since there is no reinforcement in the bottom. I was able to use a lot of my scraps.

If you follow my tutorial, it will be a reversible bag.

Wondering where the name came from? The same day I was making this bag, I was prepared with all the ingredients and equipment to can 50 quarts of peaches. As I started the process, I soon realized that I did not have the "freestone" peaches, which are the kind that easily slip away from the pit. Therefore, I had to can my peaches whole. BAD NEWS!

love the fabric covered button!