I love a masculine looking quilt. It's not easy finding quilting fabric that doesn't have flowers or bright girly colors.
That's why I adore carolyn friedlander's fabrics. This line is called architextures. It came out several years ago, and I went on a hunt.
quilt stats:
55 x 78 (washed)
batting - 80/20% comfort blend by winline
fabric is - architecture by carolyn friedlander for robert kaufman
sphere by brigitte heitland for Zen Chic, moda
negative fabric is kona graphite
binding is - from sphere
quilting is crosshatch
pattern is "open your window" by brigitte heitland for Zen Chic
I've just started using this 80/20 comfort blend batting (see stats). The 20 poly gives the quilting a nice lift. Though I never thought I'd use anything polyester, I think I like it.
backed with flannel for the winter . . . so cozy!!
By the time I had finished the top, I had a nice collection of these triangles left over for the back which I played around with until I came up with this flying geese design. I try to work on the idea of the back with left overs from the front WHILE I'm sewing the front, otherwise, I'm too lazy to put something together if I've waited till the end to create the back. (wow, I think my English teacher would call that a run-on sentence).

crazy mom quilts
confessions of a fabric addict