Wednesday, May 9, 2012

quarter reunion back

 WiP Wednesday - working on the back to "quarter reunion".  Hope to be quilting in a day or so.

My friend has been wondering what to do with her Reunion scraps.  I'm getting a nice container of them myself.  Here's an option . . .

Join my Pity Party:

We're counting down the days in our home . . . our baby, Connor, leaves in less than a month.  With a week of Prom events now in the past, the LONG "senior year check list" is quickly slipping away.

I find myself in any of the following states of emotion at any given time . . .  denial, outbursts of tears, feelings of fulfillment and joy, emptiness, getting lost for hours on the internet planning trips to foreign lands with hubby, thoughts of running around the house in my under clothing . . .

I learned not too long ago, that there is one BIG dis-advantage to having 5 children in a short amount of time, one day you blink, and they're all gone.

I recently heard a friend say, "I need to find a hobby . . . mine is soon leaving home."  I'm glad I already figured that one out!

Any thoughts on empty nesting???

Linking up to WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced

and Needle and Thread Network



  1. I can in college, one going in a couple of years. The answer to the empty nest is to have something to do that you love and enjoy (and Skype) For me, its sewing and quilting!!!!

  2. it has been quite awhile since my birds have left and truthfully I don't miss them (much) but one adapts and fills the time with too many other things and you start to wonder how you ever found time for kids...

  3. we hate it when they leave but i now text mine quite often and get to see grand kids when they come home. it's tough but they have to grow up

  4. Five of mine have left, one to go. My only girlie. Sniff. I will have my hobby, and my hubby to keep me busy. Happy quilting!

  5. Mine have been on their own for quite some time now. But they are all withing visiting distance....a 45 minute drive to anyone of that helps. It's nice too; your time is your own. whether you want it or Enjoy it!

  6. I love the reunion quilt. As for empty nests, my kids are 8, 5 and 3 -- there are definitely days when I wish I had an empty nest!! Just kidding, I will probably be a weepy mess when they leave home!

  7. Fill your empty nest with fabric!! :)

  8. My last child just turned 17 and will leave this summer for a school several hundred km away. Whenever there is a risk I could feel sad about that I think back to when I'd have given anything to be able to do what I want (like sleep!).

  9. Ok, I'm trying to sympathize cause I love your work - LOVE IT!!! Here's the thing, my eldest son will be 21 in about a month and my youngest is 3... yes 3... the secret to an empty nest is more and more kiddos!! lol..


Thank you for your comments.