Tuesday, February 16, 2016

quilt doctor

The winner of last week's giveaway, the "morningside farm" mini's is Diann.  Thank you for all your sweet comments!

My cute daughter-in-law, mother of 3 under 4 yrs, found a pretty bad mold stain on her "FIRST" pieced quilt.  With no extra time on her hands, and ready to give it away . . . I grabbed it!!!!  (to work on it for her, of course :)

 OMW!!!!  don't those colors just look lucious?  like you want to eat vegetables and green smoothies full of anti-oxidents all day?

So before I carefully hand pick each of those squares out, and make new ones to carefully sew back in there, I will try every suggestion pinterest has to offer for getting mold stains out.

YIKES!  that's 5 squares.  That would definitely test my patience abilities, not to mention my sewing skills.

You can learn more about this quilt here.  Its an Empty Bobbin design by Shea Henderson.   She did a great job writing that pattern.

I would love to hear if any of you have had mold issues with clothing/fabric and how you've gotten it out.  

quilt story


  1. I have no tips on how to get the mold out, but am looking forward to reading other's comments and ideas.

  2. I have no clue. If the stain/mold wasn't hurting the quilt I would probably appliqué something over the top.

  3. Sorry to say I am no help. But good luck!

  4. The colours are lovely - would you be able to replicate the fabrics if you tried to pick it out? I would find a specialist washing powder that would remove this and try every brand! Good luck!

  5. Love this quilt! How frustrating to find the stains. Talked to your son the last Sunday they were living down here. Hopefully they are closer to you now.

  6. Good luck with the repairs!


Thank you for your comments.